Saturday, August 16, 2014


WELCOME! First of all, just to make sure you know, this is NOT an official harvest crusade or greg laurie website. I am “just” a support of all evangelical Christian churches, movements, special events, et al and want to help any and all good parts of the Body of Christ to flourish and bear good fruit. I have been attending the Harvest Crusades in Anaheim and one @ Dodger stadium a few years ago (are they still doing dodger stadium too?) for many years now, and always take as many photos & short video clips to help tell the story and will do so again tonight (8/16/14) as I anticipate attending again. I too am an evangelist and do small relatively unknown evangelical acts of kindness and baptism and invitations to Christ, and a few other more publicized events now & then, as well as support many local church congregations of all kinds, protestant, catholic & orthodox. I believe in the Nicene Creed and although I don’t know if Greg Laurie’s church recites the Nicene Creed I am believing (or hoping) , without asking, that they are ecumenical and do work with Christians of all different “brands” and “flavors” albeit without compromising theological integrity. And I hope that this 3-day crusade will bring many new people to Christ and not just “for show” but for “all the dough.” I hope that whoever makes a “commitment to Christ” this weekend at the crusade will connect with a good body of believers and continue to GROW in Christ. A commitment to Christ is a beginning of a life-long process, not something verbal that is done once-&-for-all but is repeatedly re-affirmed with greater knowledge, awareness, education, and mostly importantly as a personal relationship. For those of you new to the harvest crusades, Greg Laurie has been doing this for many years, even decades, before I came around. He was coming-of-age in the 60’s . I was born in the late 60’s. He usually tells his story of a tough childhood, with a single mom who struggled with drugs and/or alcohol, and was a beautiful woman and knew many men but never seemed to stay with one (I’m paraphrasing by memory, but please refer to his autobiography for specifics). During this time as he was growing up (in riverside?) he also struggled with the meaning of life, and was into experimental drugs as were many in the 60’s. He often shows a photo of him with long hair, hippie style, and all that went along with that time in American history. But somewhere along the way he me a believer…maybe it was Chuck Smith himself…I know that Chuck Smith became a mentor to Greg Laurie and Laurie often gives Smith much credit for leading him on the path to God…back when Smith’s Calvary Chapel was just beginning. And the rest, as they say, is history. Since then Laurie started his own church and ministry , initially in Riverside, and later expanded to Orange County . He’s married and has a few children, one of whom died tragically in an auto accident a few years ago, and he continues to do annual “crusades” …always once a year in Anaheim, and also in various  other parts of the country as well (I think Chicago among other places). He is also heard on Christian radio around southern California and maybe around the country as well. That’s about the extent of what I know about Greg and his family and ministry. I don’t regularly attend any of his church services, so I can’t tell you too much about that. I’m sure you can find out plenty more online if you are interested in searching. And so, once again, if you are coming to the crusade this weekend or maybe other crusades later…and do not know Jesus Christ as your Savior, I hope you find this is the time and place to accept Him as your Savior. It begins with repentance, acknowledging that you are a sinner (as we all are) and your need for Him to save you from your sins. Once you make this acknowledgment and ask Jesus to be your Savior (you have knocked), He will respond (the door will open), and you have become a Christian, and your new life and journey begins. However, it does NOT necessarily mean life will become better or easier immediately, only that when you die, you can be assured you will live FOREVER in eternity with God, and with all fellow believers (the body of Christ). God bless you and welcome to the Harvest Crusade! 
(check back later here for photos & video clips